Before you even begin to think about owning a plane, you will likely acquire a pilot licence – unless you intend to hire a private pilot. A European country issues pilot licenses through its national aviation authority in accordance with European Regulations: if you complete the necessary training, you can get a license in any state regardless of your citizenship. There are different requirements depending on what form of aircraft you intend to fly.
Alright, so, let us assume you have a valid pilot license; this opens you to a whole new world of experiences, including owning your own plane. One of the most cost-effective options would be to purchase a pre-owned aircraft. European Aircraft Sales hosts a variety of aircraft for sale in Europe, ideal for experienced, intermediate and novice pilots.
Owning your own airplane provides you with the luxury of convenience; you do not need to jump through all the hoops of a commercial airline journey. Plus, there are thousands of airports that will become available to you in Europe that scheduled commercial airlines cannot even reach.
The private aircraft market has become more accessible over time; through the internet you can research models and compare prices in a way that was not possible a few decades ago. Nonetheless, owning your own plane is not a cheap endeavour. Besides the initial purchasing cost, there is maintenance, the payments for hangar space and fuel and so forth. It is possible to save some money by purchasing the plane with someone else or by selling seats on some of your trips, i.e., offer a guest booking.
There are a multitude of intricacies involved in the purchasing of a plane, which is why it is important to go through official, reliable channels. To find the right aircraft for you it is alright to ask for assistance.